9th January 2023
Memory Makers 1

Meet Emma & Hannah from Memory Makers

Last year, I was luck enough to be invited to cover an event workshop hosted by Emma & Hannah from Memory Makers. Set in the beautiful surrounds of Hill of O’Neill, the girls showcased their superb baking skills to a group of enthusiastic ladies who were keen to learn. When they contacted me about my Business Photography services, I didn’t hesitate in saying yes! What better way to spend an afternoon – doing what I love AND getting to sample some of the delicious delights on offer as part of the afternoon tea that was served.

You can read all about Memory Makers and their work below …

Tell me all about Memory Makers …

Memory Makers launched in 2022, aimed at providing luxury cookery and craft workshop experiences. Offering a range of pop-up workshops across Northern Ireland, we also cater for private group events.

After studying nutrition at university, we worked together ever since, for over 6 years. During 2021, we decided to take the plunge and follow our dreams to start a business, focusing on our passions – cooking and crafting! Our workshops are fun and in an engaging way, give people the confidence to learn new skills and take home your wonderful creation.

Making Memories is at the heart of what we do and that ethos is carefully incorporated into every event that we plan. Memory Makers is dedicated to supporting small businesses in Northern Ireland. Our parents ran their own independent family businesses. For that reason we truly value the importance of supporting local, from the food that we buy to the suppliers we use.

Tell me about all the services Memory Makers provide …

We offer a range of craft and cookery workshops across Northern Ireland, for both private bookings and pop-up events. These workshops include creative candle making, floral wreaths, baking scones, desserts and savoury treats.

Participants on the day are welcomed with a glass of fizz to relax and enjoy, before being led by a step-by-step demonstration of the creative element of the workshop. We guide each participant and encourage them to design their own unique creation. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I will learn.” Afterwards, participants can enjoy time together over delicious refreshments provided by the venue hosts or Memory Makers themselves, reminiscing over past experiences and creating new memories together.

Memory Makers
Memory Makers
Memory Makers

Did you always have an interest in baking?

Emma – I love all things food related! Baking, cooking and of course eating! The best thing is how food brings us all together. It helps to maintain important connections with those that are important to us and to celebrate those special moments in life. Cooking has always been a big part of my life. I grew up helping mum in the kitchen and my love of baking and cooking for family and friends began.

That is why, even now, there is nothing better than to close the door on a long day, turn the music on and absorb myself in cooking, using every pot in the house. Thank goodness for my wonderful husband who clears up after me!

I am a keen crafter and upcycler. When I’m not in the kitchen, you will find me with a glue gun, sand paper, sewing machine, paint, wool, drill – you name it – attempting yet another crafting creation. I have learnt that it is all about the process and I love supporting others to develop their very own creation in a Memory Makers workshop!

Emma – Memory Makers

Hannah- I grew up surrounded by talented and creative family members, including my aunts and especially my mum. It was no wonder I developed an enjoyment for cooking in the kitchen and spending afternoons at crafts. From a child, I was encouraged to help out baking cakes and traybakes. I have such lovely memories standing in the kitchen enjoying the baking but patiently anticipating the end when I got to lick the spoon!

I’ve also spent many Christmas holidays over the years creating our Christmas door wreath and table centrepieces alongside my mum and sister. You can’t beat working with others and seeing the joy on their faces when they’ve created something new! So in bringing my passions together, shared with Emma’s talents and skills, Memory Makers was born! We both want to share our love of creativity and no matter how it turns out, your creation is unique. It is lovingly put together by you, providing you with memories to last a lifetime with time spent with family, friends and new acquaintances!

Hannah – Memory Makers

What’s your favourite item to bake & why?

Hannah – My favourite item to bake has to be a Pavlova as I’ve made so many in the past for family events & celebrations. So many wonderful memories come flooding in when I’m baking them. I literally couldn’t even begin to tell you how many I have made in my time, there’s a reason I’m known as the pavlova queen! I know the recipe off by heart now, so it makes baking them enjoyable and stress-free which is always nice! Every time I see people eat it and hear their ‘yummy’ noises start to sound, it fills my heart that I’ve put a smile on someone’s face.

Memory Makers

How do you find working as part of a team?

There’s nothing better than having someone by your side to give you the confidence. Helping you to take the plunge or have a brainstorm with when creating ideas and putting a dream into a reality!

For those that start a business on their own, I salute you. I’ve really appreciated the support that we have been to each other. Thankfully, we both have similar ideas which makes the process of working together so much easier. We also know that compromise is key and respecting each others opinions is so important to a successful working relationship.

Each person has their strengths and weaknesses or areas that they enjoy working in more. We try to delegate workload based on that. Always remember, if you’re working in a team, you all want your business to thrive. We both want what is best for Memory Makers, so we trust and learn from each other along the journey.

What is your favourite cookery book & why?

Emma – The is a really hard question! I love a good cookery book … there definitely is nothing better than grabbing a cuppa and exploring new recipes that I can try.

I may have a slight cookery book addiction, with over 30 at home. Ranging from Mary Berry, Jane’s Patisserie, Rachel Allen to more local versions like Mourne Seafood, Forestside Cookery School and The Baytree.

My go to for sweet treats is definitely the one and only, baking guru and Queen of Cakes, Mary Berry. I also love a good curry and recently treated myself to Dishoom so I’m looking forward to come experimenting!

Image credit –

Did you enjoy your photo shoot with Divine Photography?

We are so pleased that we booked Catriona to capture Memory Makers. She was able to show through her images the relaxed, fun day our participants had together during our cookery workshop. Catriona covered every aspect and detail, highlighting those special touches that Memory Makers provide to give that memorable experience.

Catriona was so relaxed and helpful on the day, carrying out her role in such a professional manner. Thank you for capturing such precious memories for us!

Any exciting future plans for Memory Makers?

We have so many exciting plans and ideas for the future! From running cookery classes for widowers, educating new mother with weaning the little ones and supporting businesses with their team building events. We can’t wait you help!

How can customers get in touch with Memory Makers?

You can find us on Facebook, Instagram or via our Website